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Web Link: Anxiety - Every Mind Matters

This is a trusted NHS website that provides practical advice to help you cope with anxiety.

Web Link: Anxiety - NHS audio guide for managing anxiety

This is a trusted NHS website that provides a series of mental wellbeing audio guides to help you boost your mood You can listen to them privately, in your own time, to help you through feelings such as anxiety or a low mood.

Web Link: Apps to help manage mental wellbeing

This NHS England website provides a number of free wellbeing apps to support mental health and wellbeing.

External Video: Common psychological problems in ICU video by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM)

It is very common for patients who have suffered a critical illness to experience psychological issues. This 59 sec video briefly explains this

Document: Critical illness and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - psychology tools

Welcome to this Psychology Tools guide to critical illness, intensive care, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It can be downloaded in manner languages by following this weblink: https://www.psychologytools.com/resource/critical-illness-intensive-care-and-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd/ Psychology Tools’ mission is twofold: to ensure that therapists worldwide have access to the high-quality evidence-based tools they need to conduct effective therapy, and to be a reliable...

Article: Feeling anxious

Why am i feeling anxious? Sometimes people who have been through a traumatic event notice that they feel more worried about things than before they went to hospital. Feeling worried, anxious or panicky is a common and normal experience following severe illness and admission to hospital for critical care. When you feel anxious, you might notice unpleasant changes in your body such as, breathing faster, a faster heartbeat, feeling sweaty, or churning stomach. The body sensations you feel...

Article: Feeling anxious, low or sad

Is it common to feel anxious or low while in hospital, even if I’m well enough to move from Intensive Care to a ward? Yes, it is very common. Being unwell and needing to be in hospital for treatment can be very frightening, and being away from home or feeling ill often leads people to feel low in mood. This is entirely normal. For most people anxiety reduces and mood improves with time, especially when we are feeling physically better and are able to do more. Comparing what you...

Web Link: Feeling Good App

Feeling Good App is designed to help with low mood and anxiety. It is NHS-approved, and aims to teach you skills that help you manage your mood.

Article: Flashbacks

What are flashbacks? Flashbacks are vivid and frightening memories that come into your awareness suddenly and catch you by surprise (unlike when you deliberately choose to think about). They are often visual (you see them), but can also come in different forms, like being able to smell, hear, taste, or feel (an emotion or a body sensation) an aspect of a memory. There may be an obvious trigger (something very similar has reminded you), or it can feel like it comes from out of nowhere...

Web Link: Psychology Tools

Psychology Tools is a resource library of self-help tools. It has detailed and high-quality information on different aspects of psychology and mood and information on treatment options.