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Web Link: Age UK Lambeth, including MyCommunity for over 18s

MYcommunity can offer support to anyone in Lambeth aged over 18 who needs help. Our MYcommunity Gateway team is available to speak to you about what help is available. This could be as simple as referring you to a service, like MYsocial to help tackle loneliness, talking to you about social prescribing, or finding you longer-term support. Types of advice can include: Providing information and support around housing or finances, including help with claiming benefits Introducing you to...

Web Link: Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance is a benefit for people aged 65 or over who need help with personal care (washing,dressing or eating, for example).Some patients need this type of help in the first few weeks and months after they get home.This link will take you to the NHS Choices web page, which will tell you more about what this allowance is, who is eligible and how to claim it.

Web Link: Benefits calculator

Benefits calculators can be used to work out what you might be able to claim for. You can also use it to work out how your benefits might be affected by you starting back at work. You will need some information to use them, such as any savings you have, your income, existing benefits and what you pay out each month in bills. You will also need this information for your partner if you have one, and a Council Tax bill.

Web Link: Benefits for those over State Pension age

Once you reach state pension age, you can't claim all of the same benefits as you did before this age. This link will help you work out what you can claim for at pension age.

Web Link: Benefits if you're caring for someone

This link gives you information about what financial support you might be able to get if you are caring for someone.

Web Link: Support and benefits for carers

This link will take you to the NHS page on support for carers. You'll find trustworthy information on carers' rights, carers' assessments, benefits for carers, breaks and respite care, and support for young carers.

Web Link: UK Government Information; Personal Independent Payment

This link provides information on Personal Independence Payment (PIP) scheme