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Attendance Allowance is a benefit for people aged over state pension age who need someone to help look after them.You must have needed help for at least 6 months (unless you are terminally ill). This link will take you to the NHS Choices web page, which will tell you more about what this allowance is, who is eligible and how to claim it.
This link gives you information about what financial support you might be able to get if you are caring for someone.
Carers UK; supporting you to take a break This website and videos explain what defines a break and why taking a break is so important when you are a carer.
If you think you, or someone you know, needs help to cope day-to-day, the first step is to get a needs assessment from your local council. The needs assessment is free and anyone can ask for one. This help could include getting equipment like a walking frame or personal alarm, changes to your home such as a walk-in shower, practical help from a paid carer, access to day centres and lunch clubs or moving to a care home.
What if I can't pay the bills? It can be stressful enough, worrying about a family member in Intensive Care, without the added stress of worrying about money and how you're going to pay the bills. This is especially true if your loved usually dealt with money issues, if either of you are self employed or you need to take a lot of time off work in order to visit him or her or to look after children. Can I get access to his or her bank account? You may need access to...
This link will take you to the NHS page on support for carers. You'll find trustworthy information on carers' rights, carers' assessments, benefits for carers, breaks and respite care, and support for young carers.
This link will take you to the website of Carers' Trust. They offer online information and advice on a whole range of issues, including: respite care looking after yourself a "help directory" of local support a lively forum and chat room where you can talk online to other carers.