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Looking after patients in Intensive Care is all about teamwork.

The team includes the following specialised in treating critically ill patients:

  • doctors
  • nurses with one specialist nurse for Post ICU recovery
  • family liaison practitioners
  • physician associates (PAs)
  • advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs) 
  • psychologist
  • physiotherapists
  • dietitians
  • pharmacists
  • neuropsychiatrist

Other healthcare professionals at Guy's and St Thomas's support the ICU team:

  • radiographers
  • microbiologists
  • porters
  • domestic staff
  • administration staff
  • chaplaincy

Click on the following 'article' links below for more information about each healthcare team member 


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Article: Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs)

Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs) are clinical professionals responsible for patients' care during their ICU admission. They are highly experienced and educated practitioners who have developed their skills and theoretical knowledge to a very high standard.

Article: ICU dietitian

ICU Dietitians are responsible for making sure that patients gets the right food and enough food (nutrition). This often involves having liquid food given through a feeding tube which is put in through the nose (nostril) down into the stomach (called a nasogastric tube or NG tube) or sometimes nutrition (food) can be given as a drip straight into the bloodstream through tube inserted into the vein (central line). If a patient can eat, they may be given high energy and protein food or drinks...

Article: ICU Doctors

ICU Doctors are led by a critical care consultant who has overall responsibility for a patient's care. They are assisted by a medical team of specialist registrars, and junior doctors. During the daily ward round the team will check each patient, make decisions on treatment, prescribe medicines, and plan for care. The team will also review each patient's care during the evening and night. Doctors who are specialists in other areas may also visit you. They may be medical, surgical,...

Article: ICU Domestic Services Staff

Domestic services staff, play an important role, keeping the ICU clean. This makes sure the ICU is safe place to be treated and stops infections spreading. They will be a member of staff on the ICU at all times to do routine cleaning and planned deep cleaning on a regular basis.

Article: ICU Family Liaison Practitioners

Family Liaison Practitioners The ICU family liaison practitioners are available to support families and friends of patients in Critical Care. They are experienced Critical Care nurses who can provide information, communication and emotional support for any carer/relative of a critically ill patient being cared for on one of the intensive care units at Guy's or St Thomas's Hospital. The Critical Care Family Liaison Practitioners are available to support you Monday to Friday 9am...

Article: ICU nurses

ICU Nurses monitor patients for changes in their condition, give medicines and specialist treatments and attend to the patient's personal needs. Bedside nurses care for a maximum of two patients. They spend the most time with the patient and will be able to answer questions about the patient's care. They are supported by clinical technicians, health care assistants, a nurse-in-charge (deputy sister, sister, or charge nurse), renal nurse specialists and research nurses. The nursing...

Article: ICU Occupational therapists

ICU Occupational therapist help; prevent disability promote quality of life encourage engagement in meaningful activities. They assess functional and thinking ability whilst supporting with the following: Early engagement in grooming tasks e.g. brushing hair Finding the right seating to sit out of bed comfortably Use of mobile phone/technology to communicate with loved ones Providing reassurance and reorientation to manage delirium (confusion)

Article: ICU pharmacists

ICU Pharmacists give advice on medicines. This may include making sure that patients are on the most appropriate medicine and dose, monitoring the effects of medicines and minimising any side effects. They also advise critical care staff on the safest way to give medicines.

Article: ICU Physician Associates (PAs)

ICU Physician Associates (PA’s) are healthcare professionals with a generalist medical education, who work alongside doctors, physicians, GPs and surgeons providing medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team. Physician associates are dependent practitioners working with a dedicated consultant supervisor, but are able to work autonomously with appropriate support. In the ICUs at Guy's and St Thomas's the PAs work closely with the ICU doctors and are...

Article: ICU physiotherapists

Physiotherapists have two main roles in the ICU. They can aid breathing by clearing mucus from the chest and encourage deeper and stronger breathing and coughing. They also work to prevent muscle loss and improve their movement, including by helping patients to stand and walk.