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Intensive Care

Critical care, also known as intensive care, is needed if someone is seriously ill with life-threatening conditions and requires intensive treatment and close monitoring. This is carried out in a ward called the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). These wards within the hospital are staffed with a multi-disciplinary healthcare team equipped and designed to closely monitor and treat patients with life-threatening conditions. Patients may need specialist treatment because one or more of their body systems, such as their heart, lung, or kidneys, are not working properly.

Because our patients are often very unwell, they will have much greater care needs than those patients being cared for on more general wards within the hospital. For this reason, each nurse will care for one patient only at a time and patients will be reviewed by different teams regularly.


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Article: “I had these strange dreams.”

What kinds of memories or dreams do people have? It is very common for patients to have strange memories, dreams or hallucinations. They can seem very real...so real, that no matter how strange they are, patients are often unsure whether they happened or not. They can often be remembered in detail for some time afterwards. The dreams that people have can sometimes be very frightening, but sometimes pleasant or funny. Here are some examples of other people's dreams.We hope they...

External Article: About End of Life in Intensive Care information sheet: ICU Steps

The story behind ICUsteps' newest information sheet - Catherine White

Article: Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs)

Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs) are clinical professionals responsible for patients' care during their ICU admission. They are highly experienced and educated practitioners who have developed their skills and theoretical knowledge to a very high standard.

Web Link: After having ECMO

This weblink provides information on what to expect when recovering from an ECMO stay.

Web Link: Being in Intensive Care _ Intensive Care Society

The Intensive Care Society website provides some useful information for patients and families on being in intensive care.

Form: Bereavement support

Bereavement is the experience of losing someone important to us and grief is the process and range of emotions felt as someone comes to terms with the death of a loved one. Bereavement, grief and loss can cause many different symptoms and affects people in different ways. Experts generally accept that we go through 5 stages of bereavement or grief: Denial – feelings of shock, disbelief, panic or confusion Anger – feelings and behaviours such as blaming yourself or...

Document: Bereavement support at Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital

This leaflet is about some of the emotions you may feel when someone close to you has died. It also has details of other organisations that offer support.

Article: Bowels management in ICU

Bowel management system (BMS) is a tube that is inserted into the rectum from the bottom. It is used in patients in ICU who have problems with diarrhoea. The diarrhoea is collected in a drainage bag. This often used when the skin on the bottom gets very sore and red from frequently having diarrhoea. Using the BMS will help the skin to heal. Laxatives are a type of medicine that is used in ICU to patient constipation (not pooing regularly). Constipation is commonly seen in ICU patients...

Article: Breathing tubes

Breathing tubes Many of the patients in the intensive care unit will need support with their breathing. This may involve passing a plastic breathing tube into the windpipe. There are two types of breathing tubes Endotracheal (ET) tube: This is a plastic tube placed through the patient’s mouth or sometimes through their nose into the windpipe (trachea). Most patients will need sedation to keep them comfortable while this breathing tube is in place. Tracheostomy tube: This is...