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Getting home

Getting home is a huge step on the road to recovery. While it is often an enormous relief to be back home, some may find the first few weeks a bit of an emotional rollercoaster in terms of readjusting to everyday life. In this section, we've provided some general information and advice on the common physical and psychological issues you might face, what you can do to help the recovery process along, and the types of help that might be available to you and your family after you get home. We've also included a few short pieces on other people's experience, which we hope you will find helpful. 



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Web Link: 10 Today: Physical Activity for Older People

10 Today is an exercise programme from Sport England and Demos, designed for older people to protect against poor health and disease, and improve mental health and maintain independence. It may also be useful for people who have just returned home from ICU and are hoping to build confidence with exercise.

External Video: Acute kidney injury - Think Kidneys NHS UK - Video

Think Kidneys is the NHS’s campaign programme for tackling acute kidney injury. The aims are to reduce avoidable harm and death for people with acute kidney injury, and to improve care for patients whether in hospital or at home.

Web Link: Advice for relatives managing the affairs of someone who is unwell

Advice for relatives managing the affairs of someone who is unwell This link to the Citizens' Advice Bureau page has information for people who want to manage someone else's affairs. It also has information if you want someone else to manage your affairs for you. Managing someone else's affairs can mean a number of things, including: looking after their bank accounts, savings, investments or other financial affairs buying and selling property on their behalf claiming...

Web Link: Age UK information on care and support available

This weblink contains information about the care and support available to you, including financial needs assessments, adaptations to your home and information about looking after someone else.

Web Link: Age UK Lambeth, including MyCommunity for over 18s

MYcommunity can offer support to anyone in Lambeth aged over 18 who needs help. Our MYcommunity Gateway team is available to speak to you about what help is available. This could be as simple as referring you to a service, like MYsocial to help tackle loneliness, talking to you about social prescribing, or finding you longer-term support. Types of advice can include: Providing information and support around housing or finances, including help with claiming benefits Introducing you to...

Web Link: Alcohol and recovery: where to get help

Alcohol is a major health issue.Research has shown that around a quarter of admissions to Intensive Care are alcohol related.If you're worried about how much you or someone you care about is drinking,there is plenty of help available. This link will take you to the Alcoholics Anonymous website.They hold groups all over the UK and have a number of useful resources on their website, including other peoples' stories and easy to read literature that you can download for free.

Web Link: Anxiety - Every Mind Matters

This is a trusted NHS website that provides practical advice to help you cope with anxiety.

Web Link: Anxiety - NHS audio guide for managing anxiety

This is a trusted NHS website that provides a series of mental wellbeing audio guides to help you boost your mood You can listen to them privately, in your own time, to help you through feelings such as anxiety or a low mood.

Web Link: Apps to help manage mental wellbeing

This NHS England website provides a number of free wellbeing apps to support mental health and wellbeing.