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Family visiting and communication

Face to face visiting:

The hospital and ICUs are open for face-to-face visiting and information on visting and calling patients is available on the following weblink: https://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/visiting-us

We will provide you links to healthtalk.org where you can read about the experiences of family and friends when visiting ICU for the first time and also every day. 

Virtual Visiting

During the COVID-19 pandemic visiting across the Trust was significantly reduced, due to measures put in place to keep patients, staff and public safe. This meant many patients had reduced access to family and friends throughout their stay in hospital and may also have had no access to mobile phones or other devices to enable them to stay in touch with their families and friends virtually.

Virtual Visiting was introduced to give staff the ability to connect patients with their loved ones using tablets using a safe platform called aTouchAway™. Importantly, it supports person-centred care and will complement person-centred visiting, and it can also support mental health and wellbeing. It can reduce social isolation, stress and anxiety for the patient or service user and their loved ones, especially if a patient or service user has been admitted in an emergency.

This is still available and we can organise a video call for a friend or relative.

If you have a smart phone or tablet, please download the free aTouchAway app and register your account:

  • Download aTouchAway on Android (see link below)
  • Download aTouchAway on iOS (see link below)

Once you have a registered account you will need to:

  • contact the ward and provide them the email address used to set up the account
  • ask the ward to arrange a time for your virtual visit

Virtual visiting is possible thanks to our family communications team, who are supported by Life Lines.

For any support or further advice or feedback, please contact familycomms@gstt.nhs.uk.


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Web Link: Calling or visiting a patient at Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital - weblink

This weblink takes you to the main web page for information on visiting Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital. We have 5 main hospital sites, as well as community sites across south east London. Do check which location you need to come to before planning your visit. The Visiting us drop down menu allows you to choose which hospital and ward your are visiting and provides all the information you might need to help you on your journey (see web link...

Web Link: Communicating with your family member in ICU: Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital

If your family member is in critical care, they might find it hard to communicate for different reasons. There are ways to help you communicate with your family member. If you have any questions or concerns about communicating with your family member, speak to their doctor, nurse or speech and language therapist. Please see the link for more information.

Web Link: Experiences of family & friends - Seeing the patient in ICU for the first time

This link will take you to the Healthtalkonline website and their page on family and friends' experiences of visiting the Intensive Care Unit for the first time.

Web Link: Experiences of family & friends : visiting ICU every day

This link will take you to the Healthtalkonline website and their page on the emotional impact of having a family member or friend in Intensive Care.You can watch short video clips or hear voice recordings of other people talking about their experiences. We hope you find it helpful to hear that you're not alone in what you're going through.

Web Link: Life Lines - virtual visiting: free download of app aTouchaway for Android and iPhone

We recognise the importance of loved ones and patients having communication. This Trust is set up for Virtual Visiting. On this weblink, please scroll down to 'Other ways to keep in touch' and click on 'virtual visiting'. If you have a smart phone or tablet please download the free aTouchAway™ app and register an account. Once you have a registered account on aTouchAway™ you need to: Contact the ward and provide them the email address used to set up the...

Web Link: Virtual visiting: Download Aetonix aTouchAway Mobile app for Android devices

Weblink to Android app store to download 'aTouchaway mobile' app

Web Link: Virtual visiting: Download Aetonix aTouchaway Mobile app for iPhone devices

Weblink to Apple app store to download 'aTouchaway mobile' app

Article: Visiting the ICU for the first time

Visiting the Intensive Care Unit for the first time Some patients are admitted to Intensive Care as a planned part of their care-after major surgery or to allow specialist treatments to be performed, for example. In the case of planned major surgery, it is sometimes possible to visit the Intensive Care Unit beforehand, so that you and your family member have some idea of what to expect. Some people prefer to do this, while others don't.It's completely up to you. Many patients...